Here are some suggestions of other places in our area and a little further away, that you might enjoy visiting. When you are further away, perhaps you will need food and accommodation.
Our principal local partner is:
Hotel & Restaurant at Centralen in Tranemo
The Farm Shop on Limmared Estate
We have the privilege of delivering to a local restaurant, where Simon, Andrea and staff will give you a great dining experience. Plus, you can stay over at their hotel.
If you wish to take the dining experience home, you should stop at their Farm Shop on Limmared Estate.
Here are some tips for activities, accommodation and dining locally, but there is much more to discover!
Rail-biking in Ambjörnarp
Lilla Hotellet Tranemo (B&B)
Lustigkulle (events & "pop-up" café)
Glashuset i Limmared (food, snacks, museum)
Hemma på Källebacka (café & boutique)
Erikson Cottage (accommodation & food)
Hofsnäs Herrgård (Café & outdoor activities)
Torpa Stenhus (Swedish history)
Cycle and hike in Sjuhärad
Holsjunga Campsite (fantastic bathing & café)
Backa Loge (food and accommodation)
Trädgårdsresan – a journey to many gardens
Gothenburg Botanical Gardens
Rosenlunds Rosarie rosegarden, Jönköping
Gunnebo Castle
Jonsereds Gardens